All Services are currently available to Gurgaon & Noida only!!

Recycling Bins


Paper bin

Bins for Paper

By recycling paper in a separate bin, customers decrease the chance of bin contamination. All the paper can be recycled and none will end up in landfill sites.
Vending cup bin

Vending cup Bins*

Paper vending cups can be recycled when avoided from being soiled, this is now achievable through our specialized vending cup bins.
deskside bin

Table top Bins

Provide easy access to your employees to collect waste recyclable paper at their workstation.


Greenobin provides a customer oriented service for collection of paper scrap. We collect paper scrap from corporates, schools and housing societies, service is designed to help businesses find technology and markets for waste paper that have been traditionally classified as "Scrap". Greenobin helps individuals, businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies save resources and money. Objective of this platform is to help conserves resources, energy, and landfill space by helping individuals and businesses find alternatives to the disposal of unwanted materials or paper scrap